00:11:38 Alison Cardy: Anthony: 00:12:04 Alison Cardy: We have a false belief about what is possible or what is impossible. 00:13:13 Chris Yoko: OK isn't necessarily OK 00:13:39 Alison Cardy: Everything was ok... but I was not at a place where I was really progressing. Our happiness depends a lot about the progress we make. 00:16:39 Alison Cardy: When you progress that's when you start feeling more whole. The only way to get unstuck from where I was was to change my belief. My belief about what I can become is much better or much more challenging... than it was before. My stress level has really decreased. I've learned much more in the last six months than in several years. I'm much closer to God. I feel much closer to my wife, kids, friends. 00:17:26 Chris Yoko: Interesting intersection between habits and beliefs 00:20:00 Alison Cardy: It all came to the fact that I decided to change my beliefs. What you do every day is really what shapes you. To be happy Ineed progress.. To progress I need to change my beliefs... change habits. We need to be in the driver's seat. You need to deine where you want to go if you want to arrive somewhere. 00:20:57 Chris Yoko: Good on you for the awareness to snap out of autopilot and intentionally choose another destination. 00:22:20 Alison Cardy: If you don't try to look for things, you don't see them. I was not trying to look for my full potential. 00:25:04 Chris Yoko: Tools to help reset: meditation, silence, disconnection and re-centering. 00:25:43 Chris Yoko: Changing habits to incrementally change ourselves. (the aggregate impact of small habitual changes that add up) 00:27:58 Alison Cardy: Meditation has been a tool for me that I have used to really try to re-center myself. A lot of signals are coming to us, and we are very reactive to those. We need some times in which there needs to be silence. I believe a lot about the power of habits. You can really re-set by working on small things, little habits. Every month I try to add one small habit into my life. 00:28:00 Alison Cardy: Chris: 00:30:12 anthony perdrix: Set impossible goals to push your team 00:31:04 anthony perdrix: We are impacting over 90 million people. It didn't seem possible in 2014 00:31:50 Alison Cardy: We were all starting to think of going back to freelancing to get away from these clients. One of the turning points in my life - 2014 - what we wanted to do with our lives. We';; positively impact 100,000,000 through our work... athat seemed impossible... by the end of 2020, now over 90M 00:34:52 anthony perdrix: Create web content that is meaningful : story of the little girl whose heart operation has been possible beacuase of the website content. 00:36:20 anthony perdrix: Having impact on lives is really what moves us 00:38:55 anthony perdrix: Organizations can have so much positive impact by increasing their web presence 00:39:34 Alison Cardy: Help share the info that was mostly in between these people's ears. We actually got to work with the Joseph Campbell Foundation. Because of the way the web works, it can be the only interaction ppl have with you. You put those beliefs out there and you start to act in alignment with them. Business benefits - recruit and hire. The stories they tell themselves internally become really different. 00:41:09 anthony perdrix: Increasing web presence helps organizations to better understand their own stories